Hourly Rate For Services and Expenses

Ancestors & Cousins will perform research or other services as requested by you ("the "Client") and as mutually agreed (the “Services”), as an independent contractor, adhering to professional standards in genealogy.

Ancestors & Cousins agrees not to charge for mileage or travel expenses to research facilities that the researcher regularly visits in the New York City metropolitan area, area (“Usual Area”). Travel outside of the Usual Area Client is billed at the current IRS allowable rate per mile ($0.58/mile as of 1 January 2019). IRS mileage rates for previous years have been as follows:

Ancestors & Cousins agrees use reasonable effort to keep Out-Of-Pocket Expenses (as defined below) to a minimum. Along these lines, Ancestors & Cousins agrees not to charge for meals during travel, unless such travel extends for 2 or more consecutive nights.

Ancestors & Cousins agrees to begin work as soon as practicable upon receipt of payment.

Ancestors & Cousins will hold private and confidential any non-public information on living persons, or with regard to sensitive matters as defined by the Client.

By clicking "Pay Now" (above), the Client agrees that Client understands and accepts the following terms and conditions:

Initial Fee includes a block of time that can be spent providing the Services at defined “Hourly Rate” The Hourly Rate varies in accordance with the commitment to the Initial Fee that the Client selects, and therefore with the associated amount of time that can be spent on a given project (“Hours”). See the table below for the relationship between the number of Hours that can be spent on a project and the associated Hourly Rate.

Client agrees and understands that the Services (as defined above and mutually agreed to prior to purchasing the Initial Fee) include an initial analysis of Client's research problem. The Initial Fee will be applied toward time spent on the Services including, but not limited to, analysis, research, consultation, client communication, report preparation.

When the Hours covered by the Initial Fee have been expended, no further research will be performed until Client and Ancestors & Cousins agree to the next phase of research.

Out-of-pocket expenses (“Out-Of-Pocket Expenses”), including, but not limited to travel, photocopies, microfilm copies, postage, parking fees at research facilities, telephone calls, and miscellaneous expenses will be billed at cost plus 15%. Invoices for Out-Of-Pocket-Expenses are payable upon receipt.