New Release Date for FTM 2017

Post date: Apr 2, 2017 6:26:16 PM

Software Mackiev has set yet another release date for FTM 2017 (see previous story). MacKiev have stated that they created a new build late last night which is being tested as I write this. In other words, they don't yet know that they have a stable build of the software, yet, after two missed dates and at least one failed build of the product (which they apparently thought had been ready for release) they are willing to test the new build for only a couple of days before releasing the software.



New builds completed Saturday early evening were resent to beta testers with large trees who had reported unexpected syncing results and it appears the fixes were successful. We followed up by sending the new build to the same thousand beta testers who tested on Friday, and we will be actively watching the results.

We could probably ship any time now, but after Friday's testing difficulties we've decide to redo the stress tests on Monday with additional testers and to consult with Ancestry engineers. Assuming all goes well (and we don't have any reason to believe otherwise) we will ship on Tuesday, April 4th

In the meantime, sync is off but as agreed with Ancestry, hints, search, merge, maps, Web view and other connections to Ancestry all will continue running until FTM 2017 is released, so you can continue your research. We will continue to post updates here.

Given their past performance, I would guess that when they write "Tuesday, April 4th", they likely mean sometime shortly before midnight either Utah time (Mountain Time) or Eastern Time, which will really mean Wednesday 5th April for the fast majority of the world (suggesting that they either don't care about the non-US FTM users, they don't realize that they have them, or that they simply aren't prepared to adequately support non-US-based customers of a consumer-based software product because they don't have that kind of experience.

Also, given their past performance, I expect that Software MacKiev will either miss this new release date, or they will release an unstable and ill-behaved product that may cause irreparable damage to your tree, both online and in the software. Having lost confidence in Software MacKiev's ability to properly test and launch this product, I will be waiting a while before I start using this software package again.